Key Entry

In circumstances in which electronic capture is not feasible, DPK offers expert key entry services with accuracy rates superior to most electronic methods.  DPK will, of course, assist in the evaluation of your needs and advise which technology is most appropriate and cost-effective for your specific needs.

DPK continues to provide traditional key entry data conversion utilising modern facilities with skilled personnel. Capture may be from original source documents (key from paper) or from electronic images (key from image). Data can be returned in a variety of formats on a variety of media, or electronically via email or ftp. Historically accuracy has been 99.8%.

Key Be​nefits:

  • Low cost compared to North American and European providers.
  • Consistent accuracy.
  • Paper documents can be scanned and returned as images also.


  • Key from paper.
  • Key from image.
  • Audio transcription (audio file, compact or micro cassette).
  • Up to 99.9% accuracy guaranteed.

Contact Us

Mailing  Address:
DPK Information Systems Limited

1 Norwood Avenue, Lot 3
Kingston 5

Ph: 876.926.1361
Fx: 876.968.0909

Ph 1: 876.906.2023
Ph 2: 876.906.2025
